Showing posts with label visual arts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label visual arts. Show all posts

Thursday, July 04, 2013

"A Beginning To End": jazz and art together again

Thanks to the new work from Linda Palmer, aka Ponor (video and art), Nick Janczak (trumpet and effects), and Phil White (glockenspiel and percussion), for three minutes and thirteen seconds we can stop the world around us, enjoying the high quality from free jazz and musical improvisation, with our eyes under the spell from Linda Palmer's (aka Ponor) amazing visual art. 

If we can't support independent artists, the real ones, we're not going to have too much beauty in our lives, simple as that.

This article belongs to The Positive Ghetto / Este artículo pertenece a The Positive Ghetto

Saturday, June 01, 2013

Avant-garde jazz & visual arts: a very happy marriage

A mysterious and lovely "Ponor creature"

The marriages between different artistic forms are not always happy, even if the best artists are involved the outcome can be a disaster, since the beginning of times we can see many examples from those uncomfortable situations, but today I want to talk about the other side, when the marriage is pure happiness.

A series of videos from this year are showing the great work from some amazing artists from England, the fantastic free jazz musicians Nick Janczak (trumpet) and Phil White (drums), with the beautiful ideas from the visual artist Linda Palmer (aka Ponor).

In this brief article I want to share some of those videos, but also to talk a little about the creative independent spirit behind them, something we must enjoy, and support, in these days of ugly darkness in many artistic fields.

The partnership between Nick Janczak and Phil White is full of colors, straight warm lines, and sometimes obscure detours, with unique and refreshing sounds, and the art from Linda Palmer (aka Ponor), an artist who can paint, design an album cover, or create a marvellous world populated by her "Ponors creatures", is the perfect canvas for the music.

For The Positive Ghetto is a real pleasure to promote this new material, where music and visual arts can show us a path to make a little better the world we live in.

"We Are All Nomads"

"Machine Voodoo"

Este artículo pertenece a The Positive Ghetto / This article belongs to The Positive Ghetto

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Festival Tr3s en Domus Artis, Espacio Ecléctico y NoAvestruz / Tr3s Festival at Domus Artis, Espacio Ecléctico and NoAvestruz

El Festival Tr3s es una de las mejores ideas que he visto en muchos años. Tres diferentes espacios culturales, uniendo fuerzas para entregar maravilloso arte, construyendo algo utilizando todo lo que tienen en común, como la base de un no habitual acercamiento a la escena de la música, teatro, danza y artes visuales de Argentina.
Una cálida bienvenida a esta idea de la buena gente de Domus Artis (Av. Triunvirato. 4311,Villa Urquiza, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina), Espacio Ecléctico (Humberto Primo 730, San Telmo, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina) y NoAvestruz (Humboldt 1857, Palermo NoHollywood, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina).
Del miércoles 14 al viernes 30, noviembre 2007, y pueden conseguir el "abono", para disfrutar de un show en cada uno de los espacios durante el Festival Tr3s.
Excelente arte, a buenos precios, en hermosos y confortables lugares, pienso que no pueden pedir más, porque esto está demasiado cerca del Paraíso...

The Tr3s Festival it's one of the best ideas I'd seen in many years. Three different cultural spaces, joining forces to deliver wonderful art, building something using all the things they have in common, as the base of a non usual approach to the music, theater, dance and visual arts scene from Argentina.
A warm welcome to this idea from the good people from Domus Artis (Triunvirato Av. 4311,Villa Urquiza, Autonomic City of Buenos Aires, Argentina), Espacio Ecléctico (Humberto Primo 730, San Telmo, Autonomic City of Buenos Aires, Argentina) and NoAvestruz (Humboldt 1857, Palermo NoHollywood, Autonomic City of Buenos Aires, Argentina).
From wednesday 14 to friday 30, november 2007, and you can get the "special ticket", to enjoy a show in each one of the spaces during the Tr3s Festival.
Excellent art, at good prices, in beautiful and comfortables places, I think you can't ask for more, because this is too close to Paradise...

Por la lista completa de espectáculos revisen las páginas en internet de los diferentes espacios / For the complete shows list check the websites from the different spaces.

Domus Artis
Av. Triunvirato 4311
Villa Urquiza, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
(011) 4522 8294

Espacio Ecléctico
Humberto Primo 730
San Telmo, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
(011) 4307 1966

Humboldt 1857, Palermo NoHollywood, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
(011) 4771 1141